Welcome to the Midway Veterans Association
After hosting the second Three Sisters’ Reunion on the USS Midway Museum in September of this year in San Diego (and other venues around the city), the MVA is breathing a bit easier these days, because we don’t plan to hold another reunion until 2026, which will be a traditional reunion with only Midway veterans, family members and guests invited.
The veterans who gathered at the second Three Sisters Reunion (the first was also held in San Diego in 2019) were from the USS Midway, USS Coral Sea, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, all three classified as “Midway-Class” aircraft carriers by the Navy, because Midway was the first of the three built after the end of WWII. Along with the carrier veterans, their families and guests, well over 300 people attended the San Diego reunion.
Besides a great banquet held on Midway’s flight deck on the last night of the reunion, several other tours provided fun and sightseeing opportunities around San Diego. Other entertainment and activities included an ice cream social and an informative “meet and great” presentation by Museum staff, including president and CEO Terry Kraft, himself a Midway veteran and member of the MVA.
When all was said and done, a good time was had by all. For a more detailed account of the reunion, see MVA’s latest newsletter here.
MVA’s newsletters are an important part of our association’s communication network, compiled over a period of many years, with articles and photos sent by our members. To read our newsletters, click on the newsletter link in the heading above. Your feedback is always welcome. send to newsletter editor Jim Daugherty, at
MVA members were saddened to learn that their past president for 14-plus years, Oscar Granger, passed away due to complications from pancreatic cancer. Oscar led the MVA for over 14 years, forming a strong alliance with the Museum’s leadership team, including with the then-president John “Mac” McLaughlin, who has since retired. Oscar served on Midway from 1962-65, in OI Division, as a Radarman Second Class Petty Officer. The MVA goes on. But, sadly, without Oscar.
Memorial Service for Oscar Granger
Our past president of the Midway Veteran’s Association, Oscar Granger, passed away this past fall in Henderson, Nevada. His wife, Karen Granger, plans to celebrate Oscar’s life on April14th and 15th, 2025. The Claim Jumper Restaurant at the Wyndham Bayside Hotel has been reserved after 4:00 p.m. on April 14th for attendees to congregate and order from their menu. On April 15th, a tentative time of 9:30 a.m. shall be set aboard the USS Midway Museum to commemorate and celebrate Oscar’s life. Oscar’s name plaque will be placed on a museum bench directly below Ron McPhail’s, the original founder of this association.
Any attendee who desires reservations at the Wyndham Bayside Hotel, please use the following link: https://book.passkey.com/go/OSCARGRANGERFAMILY. Any guest room issues, contact Ryan Ochs, Group Reservations Coordinator at 619-358-6021.
Unfortunately, we have very little time to plan our attendance. Karen requires a headcount by January 31st. So if you wish to participate, please do so before that deadline. Contact: Karen J. Granger; 568 Kenerly Street; Henderson NV. 89015; PH 702-463-9030; Cell 206-947-7726; Em
Hope to see you there!
By Laws - Amendment
The MVA reunions as voted by and passed by the members at the reunion held in Sept 2024. The MVA reunions from this moment on will only be held in San Diego, CA. Therefore, there will no longer be any reunions held at any location on the East coast due to the low turn outs that the MVA has had there. The reunions held in San Diego will be held every 2 years or as determined by the Executive board.
A. The Executive board has the authority to change the timing of any scheduled reunion in San Diego to coincide with major events that take place on the USS Midway Museum. The Executive board will give advanced notice to the membership of any change in the scheduling of the reunions in San Diego.
B. The Executive board may form a sub reunion group of MVA members that reside in or near San Diego to be our MVA representatives at any major event on the USS Midway Museum to negate for the full MVA members to attend.